Tango Materials

Tango Family - 3D Modeling FullCure Materials
TangoPlus, FullCure930 and TangoBlackPlus, FullCure980 – expands the Tango family of rubber-like materials, offering exceptional elongation at break, excellent toughness and durability and high resistance to tearing. It addresses a broad range of applications requiring rubber-like flexibility and durability, such as gaskets and seals, hoses, athletic footwear, toys and more.
TangoPlus and TangoBlackPlus, offers unmatched combination of mechanical properties that sets a new standard in rubber-like performance. At 218%, the elongation at break of TangoPlus is more than double that of any other rapid prototyping material available on the market. It is highly resistant to tearing and has a Ross Flex measurement in excess of 150,000.
Thus, TangoPlus and TangoBlackPlus, offer outstanding resistance to deterioration, making it ideal for models that are likely to be exposed to long use or rough handling.
TangoBlack and TangoGray rubber like flexible 3D modeling materials enable models that closely resemble the “feel” of flexible target products, opening new business opportunities for Eden systems. They are particularly ideal for many consumer electronics applications, shoes, toys, general industrial applications, and rapid tooling.
TangoBlack and TangoGray enable a realistic rubber/silicon feel, and easily stretch to fit onto other parts. TangoBlack provides high elasticity with hardness of 61 Shore Scale A. TangoGray is a slightly harder, but still flexible, material with hardness of 75 Shore Scale A, providing more controlled flexibility and elasticity.
Key Advantages
- Rubber-like flexible material enables 3-dimensional parts to be used in the early design stages, shortening the product design cycle.
- Very high elongation at break, specifically for TangoPlus and TangoBlackPlus, provides a realistic feel of rubber and silicon and enables model parts that stretch easily to fit with other parts.
- Choice of flexibility and hardness levels - TangoBlack (Elongation at break of 47.7% and 61 Shore Scale A); TangoGray ((Elongation at break of 47% and 75 Shore Scale A); TangoPlus and TangoBlackPlus, (Elongation at break of 218% and 27 Shore Scale A);
- Easy switch between materials enables production of sub-assemblies with multiple material properties.
- The Tango line utilizes the same support material (FullCure Support) as all FullCure Model materials, enabling the same easy removal process.
- Objet Studio software enables easy switching between the different materials.

Prototyping Industry Applications: Consumer Goods, Toys, Automotive Components, Computer Components, Architecture, Jewelry Applications, Medical Devices, Consumer Electronics
Ideal Uses:
- Communication Models
- Rubber surrounds and over-molding
- Soft touch coatings
- Non-Slip surfaces
- Knobs, Grips, Pulls, Handles, Gaskets, Seals, Hoses, Footwear
Prototyping Industry Applications: Consumer Goods, Toys, Automotive Components, Computer Components, Architecture, Jewelry Applications, Medical Devices, Consumer Electronics
Ideal Uses:
- Communication Models
- Rubber surrounds and over-molding
- Soft touch coatings
- Non-Slip surfaces
- Knobs, Grips, Pulls, Handles, Gaskets, Seals, Hoses, Footwear
Prototyping Industry Applications: Consumer Goods, Toys, Automotive Components, Computer Components, Architecture, Jewelry Applications, Medical Devices, Consumer Electronics, Fashion
Ideal Uses:
- Communication Models
- Rubber surrounds and over-molding
- Soft touch coatings
- Non-Slip surfaces
- Knobs, Grips, Pulls, Handles, Gaskets, Seals, Hoses, Footwear
- Tear Resistance
- Tensile Strength
Prototyping Industry Applications: Consumer Goods, Toys, Automotive Components, Computer Components, Architecture, Jewelry Applications, Medical Devices, Consumer Electronics
Ideal Uses:
- Communication Models
- Rubber surrounds and over-molding
- Soft touch coatings
- Non-Slip surfaces
- Knobs, Grips, Pulls, Handles, Gaskets, Seals, Hoses, Footwear